Public Safety Dispatcher Training Simulator

Virtual reality training simulator for public safety dispatchers.

Apex Officer's Dispatcher Training Simulator is a virtual reality training simulator for public safety dispatchers and is a new technology that enhances the learning process for public safety dispatchers. Our public safety dispatcher simulator allows users to experience various scenarios, which helps them understand how to respond to emergency situations. The simulator also helps users develop problem-solving skills.

Public Safety Dispatcher Training Simulator

With the wide range of virtual reality simulation training options offered by Apex Officer, police officers and law enforcement agencies can benefit from honing their skills in an active vehicle pursuit, judgmental use of force situation, and other emergency crisis intervention, decision-making, scenarios in a way that reduces risk for both law enforcement and others.

Apex Officer Dispatcher Training Course

The Apex Officer public safety dispatcher training content and simulator exists to assist police officers and law enforcement agencies in the initial orientation and training of newly selected public safety dispatchers.

Goals of the Apex Officer Dispatcher Course:

  1. To provide an understanding of the basic roles, responsibilities, and duties of the public safety dispatcher within the law enforcement agency.
  2. To provide standardized training to all newly appointed public safety dispatchers and prepare them for the practical application of learned information.
  3. To introduce the skills and knowledge necessary to work in a law enforcement communications center in a productive and professional manner.


According to California's Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, the Public Safety Dispatchers' basic course curriculum content and minimum hourly requirements are:

  • Professional Orientation and Ethics - 8 hours
  • Criminal Justice System - 4 hours
  • Introduction to Law - 12 hours
  • Interpersonal Communication - 4 hours
  • Telephone Technology and Procedures - 12 hours
  • Missing Persons - 4 hours
  • Domestic Violence - 4 hours
  • Community Policing/Cultural Diversity/Hate Crimes/Gang Awareness - 8 hours
  • Child, Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse - 4 hours
  • Law Enforcement Telecommunications - 8 hours
  • Radio Technology and Procedures - 12 hours
  • Resources/Referral Services - 2 hours
  • Critical Incidents - 16 hours
  • Wellness Management - 4 hours
  • Supporting Instructional/Activities - Exercises - 18 hours


If you're looking for a better training system for your public safety dispatchers, you've found the right place. Please contact one of our talented Apex Officer product experts today by requesting a product demonstration and we will happily share this information with you.

About the Author

Alex Oliver
Customer Success

Alex Oliver is the Customer Success Manager at Apex Officer