Wexford County Sheriff's Office

Case Study

System Installed

Apex Officer X2

Agency Type

The Challenge

Law enforcement officers often face stressful and high-pressure situations, which can take a toll on their mental health. The issue is compounded by a lack of training and resources to help officers address these challenges. The Wexford County Sheriff's Office recognized the need to provide their deputies with the necessary tools and training to address mental health issues.

The Solution

The Wexford County Sheriff's Office turned to Apex Officer, a virtual reality training platform, to provide their deputies with mental health training. The platform uses virtual reality scenarios to simulate realistic situations and helps officers develop the skills needed to handle mental health crises effectively.

Pictured above is Deputy Howard utilizing the Wexford County Sheriff's Office Apex Officer Simulator.
Pictured above is Deputy Howard utilizing the Wexford County Sheriff's Office Apex Officer Simulator.

The Apex Officer platform provides a range of virtual reality scenarios, including dealing with individuals experiencing a mental health crisis, domestic violence situations, and de-escalating conflicts. The platform allows officers to practice their communication skills and responses to various scenarios in a safe and controlled environment.

The Results

The use of the Apex Officer platform has resulted in significant improvements in the Wexford County Sheriff's Office's ability to handle mental health crises. Sheriff's deputies reported feeling more confident in their ability to handle situations involving mental health issues, and the number of use-of-force incidents decreased.

Deputy Howard utilizing the Apex Officer Simulator.
Deputy Howard utilizing the Apex Officer Simulator.

The virtual reality training provided by the Apex Officer platform has also been cost-effective for the Wexford County Sheriff's Office, as it eliminates the need for expensive live training exercises.

Overall, the use of the Apex Officer platform has been a valuable tool for the Wexford County Sheriff's Office, providing their deputies with the training and resources needed to handle mental health issues effectively. By using this innovative technology, the office has made a significant investment in the mental health of their officers and the communities they serve.