Fife Police Department

Case Study

System Installed

Apex Officer X2

Agency Type

The Challenge

Fife is a city in Pierce County, Washington, United States and a suburb of Tacoma. Fife Police Department serves a population of over 10,000 residents. The Fife Police Department has faced a rapidly evolving public safety landscape, necessitating the adoption of innovative training methods for its officers. Prior to adopting Apex Officer's VR training solution, the Fife Police Department relied on traditional training methods that were costly, time-consuming, and limited in their ability to replicate realistic scenarios. This approach left officers inadequately prepared for the dynamic challenges they would encounter in the field.

The Solution

When the Fife Police Department evaluated all their options, they saw that Apex Officer’s VR training program was superior to others in the marketplace. This is because it includes body language and nonverbal cues which would be crucial in their judgmental use of force training. When they had considered all the other factors and done a complete study, FPD decided that Apex Officer’s judgmental use of force simulator should be one of various elements included within their training program. There were various benefits to choosing Apex Officer’s VR simulator, but one key feature was its ability to provide real-time visualization for the critical non-verbal cues that are necessary for effective and safe interactions with others.

Fox 13's David Rose joins Fife Police Department for a virtual reality training session.
Fox 13's David Rose joins Fife Police Department for a virtual reality training session.

The Results

Almost all Fife police officers have had a chance to immerse themselves in the Apex Officer simulator. Fife police officers are very excited about this and can’t wait to check out all the different settings and scenarios that Apex Officer is sure to have waiting for them. We have high expectations for what these tools can do for the Fife Police Department.